Through A Glass Darkly - Caroline Thomas

14 January - 10 February 2019

These brooches were recently on display at The Crypt Gallery in London and they depict other works of mine that were exhibited last year at the Corban Estate in Auckland.

 With these works, I am referencing Sir Ashton Lever’s Holophusicon museum which opened in London in 1775 and included in its collection a large group of objects acquired during the Pacific voyages of Captain Cook.

 Reflecting on my own experiences of biculturalism and on my past working life as an image researcher, I ask questions about the decisions that are made when artefacts are put on display. I plunder the memory palace of my past to think about the present and to ponder value, culture, identity and home.

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12 brooches [brass, 18ct gold wire, Vero board, 35mm slide film - Photographs © Maarten Holl]

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Viewing one of the brooches through a photographer’s loupe.
