Marilyn Jones
July 25 – August 21 2022
Faux fur, cotton backed PVC, cowhide, artificial grass backdrop
I’ve never been licked by a cow. Mum has.
She remembers the cow’s tongue being rough like a rasp. She explained that the rough tongue grasps the grass – which helps it from falling out of the cow’s mouth while it’s grazing. That’s a bit of a mouthful, but it makes sense.
Wiktionary says a cowlick is “an unruly lock of hair that sticks out from the skull or lies at an angle at odds with the rest of the individual’s hair, like a whorl or a vortex.”
I like the idea of unruly and whorl and vortex.
I’m worried about all the bright green paddocks where dairy cows hang out. Why are they such an unruly shade of green?
Maybe all the cows could slip into a vortex and disappear.
Or maybe jump over the moon.