Becky Bliss
30 July – 20 August 2023
Displacement 2023
According to Gaia Vince, author of Nomad Century: a world without borders, climate migration will reshape our world.
I am playing with the Lego block as a symbol for displacement. A word I think we’ll hear a lot more of as we enter the anthropocene era (how human impacts on earth have created a new geological epoch) as changing weather and water levels force migration on a scale not seen in our lifetime.
LEGO is a collaborative game. It’s name comes from the Danish phrase leg godt (“play well”). Now more than ever we need to play well together.
Displacement is part of a new body of work showing at Te Auaha Gallery, 65 Dixon Street, as part of O:A Push Play, 11 to 22 August 2023.
Becky Bliss Instagram: becky_bliss_jewellery